The Neillsville Public Works Director, Luke Friemoth, reported to the Neillsville City Council before the common council July 26 with all members present.
“Works completed or in-progress since you last met in July 11: in the cemetery and parks, we have had zero burials; we are currently working on...
As the county’s budget due date looms, the various department heads of Clark County met July 12 in the Clark County Courthouse to receive instructions from Terri Domaszek, Finance Committee comptroller and Heather Roman, Assistant comptroller, on how to write and submit their 2024 budgets.
Loyal, a quiet town named after the patriotism the men of the town showed during the Civil War, heard a tumultuous conversation at its town hall June 27. Normally, the Clark County Board of Supervisors—Economic Development Committee (the committee) meets with the Clark County Economic Development...
The Neillsville Common Council met in regular session June 27 at Neillsville City Hall, Mayor Dewey Poeschel presiding, to discuss matters like who will be the Neillsville Farmer’s Market’s new manager, hiring a new Recreation Department director and recognizing a Neillsville Police Department...
Besides the two resolutions passed by the Clark County Board of Supervisors submitted by Land Conservation Committee, the board also passed two more, along with an ordinance. It amounted to a total of five out of six, as 12-6-23 was removed from the discussion. Like the others, the board passed...
The Neillsville Common Council met in regular session June 13, Mayor Dewey Poeschel presiding. All members were present.
Councilmember Joe Neville reported on the June 8 meeting of the Heritage Days Committee, including the request to the council to extend Schuster Park hours.
The request,...
The Greenwood Common Council met in open session June 7 to discuss the approval of a provisional license to Lacy Carlson of the Sawmill, which is taking over the Sawmill Saloon, which will become just and extension of the Sawmill, combining business in the building.
The Sawmill currently has a...
In a resolution passed May 18, the Clark County Board of Supervisors asked the State of Wisconsin to revise the real estate transfer fee share formula to again.
Resolution 10-5-23 requested the state to revise the current real estate transfer fee revenue sharing formula to allow counties to retain...
The Neillsville Common Council met in regular session May 9 at 7 p.m. Mayor Duane Poeschel presided over the meeting and all members were present.
Poeschel presented Pastor Douglas Bjerke with a plaque for his 17 years (2006-2023) of dedicated service to the city of Neillsville as Board of Cemetery...
The Neillsville Common Council met in regular session April 25, with Mayor Dewey Poeschel presiding. All members present were.
Poeschel reported on the April 20 meeting of the Planning Commission regarding (item 1) discussion on and recommendation to approve an amendment to zoning from R1 Single...